[Lasa] Manuela Picq - beaten by the police?
William Waters
wiwaquito en yahoo.com
Vie Ago 21 09:23:57 PDT 2015
Manuela Puiq sale del pais hoy mismo a las 2 de la tarde. Lo dicho por Graces es sumamente importante. No se trata de una persona unicamente. Por un lado se ha despertado la xenofobia pero por otro lado, un proceso sistematico de represion.
Will Waters
From: Grace Jaramillo <grace.jaramillo en queensu.ca>
To: Nchamah Miller <basta_ya en rogers.com>; "De La Torre, Carlos" <c.delatorre en uky.edu>; William Waters <wiwaquito en yahoo.com>
Cc: Manuela L Picq <manuelapicq en mac.com>; "lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org" <lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org>; ROSAMARIA TORRES <rm.torres en yahoo.com>; "erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org" <erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Lasa] Manuela Picq - beaten by the police?
#yiv9125855703 #yiv9125855703 -- P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}#yiv9125855703
Estimad en s,Creo que lo de Manuela Picq es la punta del iceberg. El sólo hecho de violen los derechos y el debido proceso, en el marco de la Constitución ecuatoriana, a una investigadora internacional comprometida con el Ecuador, es ya un síntoma grave de lo todo lo que está pasando. En este momento hay decenas de mujeres indígenas encarceladas por protestar. Hasta lo último que leí, eran 29. Un activista ambiental de 61 años, Margoth Escobar, fue golpeada y sigue encarcelada por ya una semana. Creo que la objetividad no es contrastar versiones y quedarse con una de ellas, es entender cuándo la realidad sobrepasó de largo el peso de las interpretaciones y habla por sí misma.
Grace JaramilloPh.D.candidatePolitical Studies DepartmentM-Corry Hall, Ofc. C428Kingston, ON K7L 4N3
From: Lasa <lasa-bounces en lists.ecuatorianistas.org> on behalf of William Waters <wiwaquito en yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:05 PM
To: Nchamah Miller; De La Torre, Carlos
Cc: Manuela L Picq; lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org; ROSAMARIA TORRES; erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org
Subject: Re: [Lasa] Manuela Picq - beaten by the police? Una nueva audiencia esta tarde pone Manuela nuevamente en peligro de deportacion. Quedan algunos recursos legales pero nuevamente la poca independencia de las cortes se pone en manifiesto. Segun el gobierno la deportacion es "descrecional," lo cual claramente condunde lo legal y lo arbitrario.
From: Nchamah Miller <basta_ya en rogers.com>
To: "De La Torre, Carlos" <c.delatorre en uky.edu>
Cc: Manuela L Picq <manuelapicq en mac.com>; "erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org" <erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org>; ROSAMARIA TORRES <rm.torres en yahoo.com>; "lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org" <lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Lasa] Manuela Picq - beaten by the police?
Bueno Carlos, me revuelco con carcajadas con aquello de la jerga pos-moderna y la multiplicidad de verdades, sí efectivamente, más que todo se vislumbran ejes de poder confrontados. un saludoProf. Nchamah Miller, BA, MA, Ph D, FIA (Canadá)
sent through I-phone pls excuse inadvertently produced spelling and syntax errors by my magicalflying fingers!
enviado por I-phoneruego disculpas por loserrores de ortografía y sintaxis que produzcan mis deditos mágicos
On Aug 19, 2015, at 9:59 AM, De La Torre, Carlos <c.delatorre en uky.edu> wrote:
Colegas por favor lean lo que dice Manuela Picq y dejemos de abusar de la jerga posmoderna de que hay varias verdades, o será que la verdad del poder es mas cierta que la de las víctimas de la represión?
Carlos de la Torre
Professor, Department of Sociology
University of Kentucky
1533 Patterson Office Tower
Lexington, KY 40506
859- 2576891
From: Lasa [lasa-bounces en lists.ecuatorianistas.org] on behalf of Silvia Caicedo [scaicedo en gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:39 AM
Cc: Manuela L Picq; erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org; lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org
Subject: Re: [Lasa] Manuela Picq - beaten by the police?
And therein lies the problem, one of credibility. Who is telling the truth. As we know there are many truths and discourses that serve many interests. I'm not implying that the police in Ecuador acted appropriately when they arrested Manuela or others, just reminding us that many sectors were present with their own agendas and events are very complex.
It reminds me of the 80s when the social movements were very active and there was a coordinated effort to undermine their work. Really interesting times to keep an eye on Ecuador. The next two years will bring more confrontations as many sectors want see change and social media amplifies the speed with which news spread but at the same time dilutes the perspectives.
On Tuesday, 18 August 2015, ROSAMARIA TORRES <rm.torres en yahoo.com<mailto:rm.torres en yahoo.com>> wrote:
Hi to all.
Just reading this thread. I am Ecuadorian, live in Ecuador and follow the protests closely.
For clarification:
a) the photo with an eye bruise was circulated by someone in Twitter, a few hours later he rectified publicly and said he had consulted with Manuela and the photo did not correspond to Aug 13, but many kept circulating it. As you know, when these things happen, they are almost impossible to stop in social networks.
b) photos and videos of Manuela being beaten by the Police have been circulated by many, including Manuela and her sister.
c) the bulletin by the Ministry of the Interior saying that Manuela had been captured by strangers and "helped" by the police, was questioned by the judge. She said people who fabricated these communications at the Ministry and the Police will be investigated.
Greetings from Quito.
Rosa Maria
From: Johannes Waldmüller <johannes.waldmuller en graduateinstitute.ch<mailto:johannes.waldmuller en graduateinstitute.ch>>
To: Leon Zamosc <lzamosc en ucsd.edu<mailto:lzamosc en ucsd.edu>>
Cc: Manuela L Picq <manuelapicq en mac.com<mailto:manuelapicq en mac.com>>; "erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org<mailto:erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org>" <erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org<mailto:erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org>>; "lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org<mailto:lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org>" <lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org<mailto:lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org>>
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Lasa] Manuela Picq - beaten by the police?
Dear Leon and All,
Thanks for this conversation and thread, it is important to analyze profoundly and correctly the events of these days. But just to add up on this: I don't know, Leon, whether you have been at the march. Also at other occasions and places, the police forces acted or reacted with unduly aggression. On the plaza San Francisco, for example, people where suddenly chased into one corner by horses, biting dogs and clubs - without any reason identifiable - and many where there with babies, families, etc. Not to speak of police drones, visible to everyone, that were used constanly for whatever reason and without and information provided. As anyone knows, drones are able to do much more nowadays than taking pictures...(for example, sniffing wlans, contacts, etc.).
The general atmosphere was heated and tensioned - and sometimes it is important to take the general context into account and not to rely too much on pictures. Correa was not in Quito that night, there was a, perhaps justified, fear of a protesters' coup, reaching the plaza Grande...
(Universidad Andina Simon Bolívar)
2015-08-17 15:17 GMT-05:00 Leon Zamosc <lzamosc en ucsd.edu>:
Hola Manuela - I am glad to hear from you and thank you for responding so quickly. As I said, in your public declarations (at least the ones I have seen) it was not clear that it was the police that beat you, both you and Carlos were rather vague on that. On the other hand, the video does not show them beating you, what I see is the police restraining you when you try to go back.
Of course, I do not question your word, you may have been beaten off-camera. Right now, we are doing what we can to prevent your deportation. But at some point it would be good to hear more details on how exactly things happened and are happening.
All best and I do hope you will be able to stay in Ecuador.
Prof. Leon Zamosc
Department of Sociology
University of California, San Diego
From: Manuela L Picq [manuelapicq en mac.com]
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 12:50 PM
To: Leon Zamosc
Cc: erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org; lasa en lists.ecuatorianistas.org
Subject: Re: [Lasa] Manuela Picq - beaten by the police?
We were beaten by the police
We said it repeatedly in the press
And there are videos showing how obvious it is- it was a violent arrest with beatings by police forces of ecuador
In case it was not clear I hope it is now
On Aug 17, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Leon Zamosc <lzamosc en ucsd.edu> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
I alerted the ERIP mailinglist about the cancellation of Manuela Picq’s visa and I signed the Academicos Solidarios petition “Stop the Deportation of Manuela Picq” which is still online:
One thing that I makes me uncomfortable, however, is the careless emphasis by some colleagues and journalists on the fact that she was beaten by the police. I have been following the declarations of Manuela and Carlos Pérez in press reports and, while they do say that they were attacked, so far they haven’t said that it was by the police. The video that is often cited as proof:
does not show the police beating her: it shows them taking Manuela away from the melee and then restraining her when, at one point, she tries to go back (perhaps worried about Carlos?). I do not see batons or fists landing on her. Actually the police seems to be making a point of helping, picking up her stuff from the pavement and handing it to back to her.
Another thing I have seen online is a picture showing Manuela with an eye bruise,
but in the latest videos including the one in which she states she has been treated well:
there are no signs of it. Telesur, which had published, the picture, now says that the allegations claiming the bruises were from the police were disproven:
We must protest her deportation. So far, however, there is no basis to the claim of police violence against Manuela. If and when it comes, we must of course react to it. In the meantime we, as scholars, must be especially attentive to distortion of the facts, which among other things invariably works against, rather than in favor, of indigenous and other good causes.
Prof. Leon Zamosc
Department of Sociology
University of California, San Diego
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