[Lasa] Ecuador: Widespread Protests from Left and Indigenous Sectors Demand Progressive Changes
Juli Hazlewood
jahaze en gmail.com
Lun Ago 24 11:56:01 PDT 2015
And here it is....
*"Suelta muchacho[s/as], tus pensamientos, *
*como anda suelto el viento.*
*Sos la esperanza y la voz que vendrá, *
*a florecer en la nueva tierra."*
*[Release your thoughts, kids, *
*as loosely as the wind moves on.*
*You are hope and the voice that will come,*
*to flower in the new land].*
*-“Hombres de Hierro” , Léon Gieco*
*Julianne A. Hazlewood, Ph.D.*
*Associate Researcher (Investigadora Asociada) *
*La Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador *
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Juli Hazlewood <jahaze en gmail.com> wrote:
> Hola Todos y Todas,
> In the interest of contextualizing our discussions about the incidents in
> relation to Manuela Picq within the raisons d'être of the marches in
> Ecuador, I thought that I would share with you this article written by
> Carlos Zorilla.
> All the best,
> Juli Hazlewood
> *___*
> *"Suelta muchacho[s/as], tus pensamientos, *
> *como anda suelto el viento.*
> *Sos la esperanza y la voz que vendrá, *
> *a florecer en la nueva tierra."*
> *[Release your thoughts, kids, *
> *as loosely as the wind moves on.*
> *You are hope and the voice that will come,*
> *to flower in the new land].*
> *-“Hombres de Hierro” , Léon Gieco*
> __
> *Julianne A. Hazlewood, Ph.D.*
> *Associate Researcher (Investigadora Asociada) *
> *La Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador *
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