[Lasa] [Erip] debate panel in the coming ERIP Conference (Richmond, October 15-17) on the violence in Ecuador's Paro Nacional of August 13
Manuela L Picq
manuelapicq en me.com
Lun Ago 31 07:31:36 PDT 2015
I suggest you invite Minister Serrano to join the panel. He will have the best version of the regime's response.
On Aug 31, 2015, at 11:20 AM, Leon Zamosc via Erip <erip en lists.ethnicityrace.org> wrote:
> Good morning - I will propose the inclusion of a debate panel in the coming ERIP Conference (Richmond, October 15-17) on the violence in Ecuador's Paro Nacional of August 13. The idea is to have two introductory presentations, one on the protesters and another one on the regime's response, leaving the rest of the time for open debate. I would do the presentation on the protesters. and we would need someone for the second on the regime.
> If anyone is interested please write privately to me (no need to respond to the entire mailinglist).
> To clarify, this is NOT intended as a continuation of the recent discussion on Manuela Picq and I will NOT refer to her specific case (unless, of course, I am forced to respond to a direct question or interpellation).
> Regardsm, Leon
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