[Lasa] posting to LASA listserve?
judy blankenship
judyblanken en earthlink.net
Vie Ago 12 10:21:46 PDT 2016
Dear LASA Ecuatorianistas:
> Marc Becker, formerly of the ecuatorianistas section of LASA, suggested I might send you this query.
> I have worked and lived in Cañar, Ecuador for many years - first as a photographer, then as a Fulbrighter (2000, 2005, 2015-16), as an author of two books (U. of Texas Press), and now as a community archivist (Archivo Cultural de Cañar).
> I would like to post a note on the LASA listserve reqeusting an intern, graduate student or researcher to work with me in Cañar on an archive project.
> In particular, I am requesting a historian to help gather oral histories with the older folks in this indigenous community who still remember the epoch of the local Hacienda Guantug - which dominated Cañar until the 1970’s - and the agrarian reform. Those elders who survive are old now, of course, but some have sharp memories and vivid storytelling skills. Time is critically short to capture this period, and my work on the digital archive project precludes me from taking it on alone.
> For six months earlier this year, ethnomusicologist Dr. Allison Adrian worked with me in Cañar to document traditional music and musicians in video and sound, and I feel I have a model that would work for other researchers. What I have to offer is my deep relationship with the local indigenous community, which allows a researcher to get right to work through my network of contacts. The candidate would have to have fluent Spanish and independent financing.
> Please advise if I will be allowed to use the LASA listserv. If so, I will compose a post and send.
> Thank you,
> Judy Blankenship
> judyblankenship.com <http://judyblankenship.com/>
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