[Lasa] Anuncios-Announcements
Casanova, Erynn (casanoen)
casanoen at ucmail.uc.edu
Mon Jan 30 06:53:33 PST 2017
[English version follows]
Hola ecuatorianistas,
Unos anuncios y recordatorios para comenzar la semanaâ¦
1) MembresÃa: Tenemos la meta de hacer crecer la sección. Para mantener los miembros que ya tenemos, ustedes tienen que reinscribirse en la sección cuando renuevan su membresÃa de LASA. Esto se puede hacer aquÃ: https://lasa.international.pitt.edu/auth/jru/<https://ucmail.uc.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=O-FPg93cffH2v7R1XpeqAa6TunLGroLuk1hzWAylTnBa9Od5HUnUCAFodHRwczovL2xhc2EuaW50ZXJuYXRpb25hbC5waXR0LmVkdS9hdXRoL2pydS8.>
Para ampliar la base de miembros, necesitamos invitar a nuestras amistades, colegas, y contactos a unirse a la sección. Una invitación personal de ustedes como miembros actuales vale más que cualquier invitación oficial que yo difunda. Por favor, renueven su membresÃa en LASA y la sección, e inviten a nuevas personas a formar parte de nuestra sección.
2) Premio de artÃculo: Sus nominaciones pueden ser entregadas hasta el 17 de febrero. Contactos: jramos at holycross.edu<mailto:jramos at holycross.edu> y carlos.gallegosanda at anu.edu.au<mailto:carlos.gallegosanda at anu.edu.au>
Detalles: http://www.ecuatorianistas.org/c?i=184
3) Actividades en el Congreso de Lima: Tenemos varias actividades planificadas para ustedes en Lima.
La Reunión de la Sección será el sábado, 29 de abril de 20:00 a 20:45. Es importante porque en esa reunión hacemos los planes para el próximo congreso y otras programaciones.
Yo entiendo que LASA ha planificado un concierto para la misma noche a partir de las 20:30⦠he hablado con ellos y no están dispuestos a cambiar el concierto para acomodar las reuniones de las secciones. Vamos a intentar hacer una reunión breve para que puedan asistir al concierto también. Gracias por su comprensión.
Si no tenemos asistencia suficiente (quórum), se pone en riesgo la existencia de la sección. Tenemos que colaborar todos para que siga existiendo este grupo dedicado a temas ecuatorianos.
La Recepción de la Sección será el domingo, 30 de abril de 20:15 a 21:45. Aprovechen la oportunidad de conocer a más ecuatorianistas y compartir el momento del Congreso juntos. ¡Espero verlos ahÃ!
El Panel Auspiciado por la Sección será el lunes, 1ero de mayo de 12:00 a 13:45. Tenemos un panel fabuloso sobre idioma y cultura en Ecuador: Knowing through Indigenous Verbal Art: Production, transmission, and transformation of local knowledges.
Resumen: This panel considers how Ecuadorian Quichua verbal artistry continues to be an important medium for knowledge production and transmission at a time when well-intentioned language revitalization strategies are often disconnected from local practices. What are the intersections of lived experience and ancestral knowledge, between truth and factuality? What insights do linguistic features, speech pragmatics, and discursive content provide into the ways that Quichua speakers (re)produce various kinds of knowledge? How is knowledge made legible in interaction? How does verbal artistry trouble literacy/orality divide in knowledge production? Finally, how are new knowledge forms and spheres of use shaping indigenous verbal art?
4) Anuncios: Si tienen algún anuncio de convocatoria o publicación nueva, etc. pueden enviármelos a: erynn.casanova at uc.edu<https://ucmail.uc.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=ghb3cpLrtVfUj3wIXNqs-lxdw6c6rpnW-RwmREESqee6Vep5HUnUCAFtYWlsdG86ZXJ5bm4uY2FzYW5vdmFAdWMuZWR1>
Greetings Ecuadorianists,
A few announcements and reminders to start off the weekâ¦
1) Membership: Our goal is to grow the section. To keep the members we have already, you need to renew your membership in the section when you renew your LASA membership. You can do this online here: https://lasa.international.pitt.edu/auth/jru/<https://ucmail.uc.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=qJpUbFAyqm2sPbzsWKXlADsNUSMPrfoENOQ1XAhftpm6Vep5HUnUCAFodHRwczovL2xhc2EuaW50ZXJuYXRpb25hbC5waXR0LmVkdS9hdXRoL2pydS8.>
To broaden our membership base, we all need to invite our friends, colleagues, and contacts to join the section. A personal invitation from you as current members is more valuable than any official invitation that I can send out. Please, renew your LASA membership and your section membership, and invite new people to become part of the section.
2) Article Prize: Nominations are accepted until February 17.
Contact: jramos at holycross.edu<mailto:jramos at holycross.edu> y carlos.gallegosanda at anu.edu.au<mailto:carlos.gallegosanda at anu.edu.au>
Details: http://www.ecuatorianistas.org/c?i=184
3) Activities at the Lima Congress: We have several activities planned for you all in Lima.
The Section Meeting will be Saturday, April 29 from 8:00 to 8:45 pm. It is important because in this meeting we make plans for the next Congress and for other programs and activities.
I understand that LASA has planned a concert for the same evening at 8:30⦠I have been in contact with them and they are unwilling to change the concert time to accommodate the section meetings. We are going to try to have a short meeting so that you all can go to the concert too. Thank you for understanding.
If we donât have enough attendance (quorum), it puts the existence of the section at risk. We all have to work together so that this group dedicated to Ecuadorian topics can survive.
The Section Reception will be Sunday, April 30 from 8:15 to 9:45 pm. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet more Ecuadorianists and celebrate the Congress together. I hope to see you all there!
The Section-Sponsored Panel will be Monday, May 1 from 12:00 to 1:45 pm. We have a fabulous panel about language and culture in Ecuador: Knowing through Indigenous Verbal Art: Production, transmission, and transformation of local knowledges.
Abstract: This panel considers how Ecuadorian Quichua verbal artistry continues to be an important medium for knowledge production and transmission at a time when well-intentioned language revitalization strategies are often disconnected from local practices. What are the intersections of lived experience and ancestral knowledge, between truth and factuality? What insights do linguistic features, speech pragmatics, and discursive content provide into the ways that Quichua speakers (re)produce various kinds of knowledge? How is knowledge made legible in interaction? How does verbal artistry trouble literacy/orality divide in knowledge production? Finally, how are new knowledge forms and spheres of use shaping indigenous verbal art?
4) Announcements: If you have an announcement such as a call for papers or a new publication, etc., you can send them to me at: erynn.casanova at uc.edu<https://ucmail.uc.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=ghb3cpLrtVfUj3wIXNqs-lxdw6c6rpnW-RwmREESqee6Vep5HUnUCAFtYWlsdG86ZXJ5bm4uY2FzYW5vdmFAdWMuZWR1>
Erynn Masi de Casanova, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Sociology
University of Cincinnati
1015 Crosley Tower
P.O. Box 210378
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0378
513.556.4707 telephone
513.556.0057 fax
erynn.casanova at uc.edu<mailto:erynn.casanova at uc.edu>
Order my new book:
Buttoned Up: Clothing, Conformity, and White-Collar Masculinity
Now in paperback:
Bodies without Borders
Global Beauty, Local Bodies
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