[Lasa] Fwd: Contention & Nonviolent Action in Latin America: Special Issue of MARLAS published
Jeff Pugh
pughjeffrey1 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 13:42:56 PDT 2018
Estimados colegas ecuatorianistas,
Es un gusto compartir este número especial del Middle Atlantic Review of
Latin American Studies (MARLAS) que co-edité con Patricia Rodriguez sobre
la Contención y Acción No Violenta en América Latina. Está actualmente
disponible en formato acceso abierto en el espacio de LASA: Latin America
Research Commons: https://www.marlasjournal.com/15/volume/2/issue/1/ .
Hay una colección fascinante de contribuciones en español e inglés sobre
una variedad de países de la región y desde varias disciplinas. Les llamo
su atención especialmente a los dos articulos especificamente sobre
Ecuador: mi ensayo sobre el programa regional de acción no violenta en
FLACSO en Quito como ejemplo de pedagogía de paz y solidaridad
transnacional, y el ensayo de Anna Ikeda sobre la resistencia civil y
acción no violenta en contra de la renovación de la base militar de Manta.
Jeff Pugh
Jeffrey D. Pugh
Assistant Professor
Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Visiting Assistant Professor of Conflict Management, Johns Hopkins
University SAIS
Executive Director
Center for Mediation, Peace, and Resolution of Conflict (CEMPROC)
Quito, Ecuador
Latest article: “Negotiating Identity and Belonging through the
Invisibility Bargain: Colombian Forced Migrants in Ecuador,” *International
Migration Review*
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies (MARLAS) <
middleatlanticreviewLAS at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 12:01 PM
Subject: Contention & Nonviolent Action in Latin America: Special Issue of
MARLAS published
To: Jeff Pugh <pughjeffrey1 at gmail.com>
The Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies is pleased to share
the Special Issue on Contention and Nonviolent Action in Latin America
Contention and Nonviolent Action in Latin America: Special Issue (vol. 2,
no. 1), 2018
The Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies (MARLAS) is pleased to
announce the publication of vol. 2, no. 1 of the journal
MARLAS is published open access online on LASA's Latin American Research
Read the Special Issue
Special Issue on Contention and Nonviolent Action in Latin America
<middleatlanticreviewlas at gmail.com>
Articles Jeffrey Pugh & Patricia Rodríguez, "Contention and Nonviolent
Action in Latin America: Introduction to the Special Issue
Jeffrey Pugh & Patricia Rodríguez, "Contención y acción no violenta en
América Latina: introducción al número especial
Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández, "Escrutinio internacional y acompañamiento de
las víctimas de Ayotzinapa: una lectura de los informes del GIEI
Ana Moraña, "Cuerpos que hablan: identidad de género e impacto social en la
película XXY de Lucía Puenzo
Stephen Zunes, "The Role of Civil Resistance in Bolivia’s 1977-1982
Pro-Democracy Struggle
Christian Martínez Neira & Gonzalo Delamaza, "Coaliciones interétnicas,
framing y estrategias de movilización contra centrales hidroeléctricas en
Chile. ¿Qué podemos aprender de los casos de Ralco y Neltume?
María Alejandra Aguilar-Dornelles, "Activismo, literatura y cambio social
en el Caribe hispano: aproximación en tres movimientos
Anna Ikeda, "Exploring a Civil Resistance Approach to Examining U.S.
Military Base Politics: The Case of Manta, Ecuador
Yudy Campo & Cristhian Cruz, "Cultivadoras de paz: experiencia territorial
de construcción de tejido social en Cajibío-Cauca
Jeffrey Pugh, "Weaving Transnational Activist Networks: Balancing
Transnational and Bottom-up Capacity-building Strategies for Nonviolent
Action in Latin America
Jeffrey Pugh, "Tejiendo redes de activismo transnacional: el balance entre
estrategias transnacionales y locales en la construcción de capacidades
para la acción no violenta en América Latina
Book Reviews
Maria Paula Andrade
Celso Thomas Castilho. 2016. Slave Emancipation and Transformations in
Brazilian Political Citizenship. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh
Sabrina S. Laroussi
Guadalupe Pérez-Anzaldo. 2014. El espectáculo de la violencia en el cine
mexicano del siglo XXI. México, D.F.: Ediciones Eón.
Laura Martins
Traci Roberts-Camps. 2017. Latin American Women Filmmakers: Social and
Cultural Perspectives. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
Luis A. Ramos-García
Eduardo Cabrera. 9 Cuentos de inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos. 2017.
Create Space Independent Publishing Platform.
Mirna Trauger
Bridges, Borders, Breaks: History, Narrative, and Nation in Twenty-First
Century Chicana/o Literary Criticism, edited by William Orchard and Yolanda
Padilla. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016.
Brian Potter
David Close. 2016. Nicaragua: Navigating the Politics of Democracy. Boulder
and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
The Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies
is published by the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies
and welcomes contributions on any aspect of Latin American Studies from the
social sciences, humanities, arts, and history.
Published on LASA's Latin American Research Commons (LARC)
Editorial Board
Ivani Vassoler, SUNY Fredonia
Senior editor
Maria Roof, Howard University
Associate editor, Humanities and Arts
Diane Johnson, Lebanon Valley College
Associate editor, Social Sciences and History
Greg Schelonka, Louisiana Tech University
Book review editor
Jeffrey Pugh, University of Massachusetts Boston
Outreach Coordinator
Taylor Doherty, University of Massachusetts Boston
Editorial Assistant
Pamela Sertzen, Syracuse University
Assistant Outreach Coordinator
Luis Roniger, Wake Forest University
Meghan McInnis Dominguez, University of Delaware
Patricia Rodriguez, Ithaca College
Bridget Chesterton, SUNY Buffalo State
David Sheinin, Trent University
John Stolle-McAllister, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Enrique Gonzalez-Conty, Ithaca College
Alistair Hattingh, Muskingum University
Brian Turner, Randolph-Macon College
Gerardo Cummings, Onondaga Community College
Rigorous. Accessible. Interdisciplinary.
MARLAS builds on a 30-year tradition of publishing excellence as the
peer-reviewed, online, open access successor to the print journal formerly
published by the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies, *Latin
American Essays*.
MARLAS is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Hispanic
American Periodicals Index (HAPI), the MLA Directory of Periodicals,
Crossref, and EBSCO.
<middleatlanticreviewlas at gmail.com>
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