[Lasa] Fwd: Book announcement
Ramos, Juan G.
jramos at holycross.edu
Fri Aug 16 08:58:04 PDT 2019
Estimados colegas,
Les comparto la información sobre el nuevo libro de Erynn Masi de Casanova.
Abajo aparece toda la información correspondiente.
Saludos cordiales,
Juan Ramos
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Casanova, Erynn (casanoen) <casanoen at ucmail.uc.edu>
Date: Fri, Aug 16, 2019, 10:50
Subject: Book announcement
To: Ramos, Juan G. <jramos at holycross.edu>
Hola Juan,
Espero que este mensaje te encuentre bien.
Te envío este anuncio sobre mi nuevo libro para que lo compartas con los
miembros de Estudios Ecuatorianos.
**Nuevo libro sobre trabajo del hogar en Ecuador, basado en casi una década
de investigación social**
*Dust and Dignity: Domestic Employment in Contemporary Ecuador*
(ILR/Cornell University Press)
What makes domestic work a bad job, even after efforts to formalize and
improve working conditions? Erynn Masi de Casanova's case study, based
partly on collaborative research conducted with Ecuador's pioneer domestic
workers' organization, examines three reasons for persistent exploitation.
First, the tasks of social reproduction are devalued. Second, informal work
arrangements escape regulation. And third, unequal class relations are
built into this type of employment. Accessible to advocates and
policymakers as well as academics, this book provides both theoretical
discussions about domestic work and concrete ideas for improving women's
Drawing on workers' stories of* lucha, trabajo,* and *sacrificio*—struggle,
work, and sacrifice—*Dust and Dignity* offers a new take on an old
occupation. From the intimate experience of being a body out of place in an
employer's home, to the common work histories of Ecuadorian women in
different cities, to the possibilities for radical collective action at the
national level, Casanova shows how and why women do this stigmatized and
precarious work and how they resist exploitation in the search for
dignified employment. From these searing stories of workers' lives, *Dust
and Dignity* identifies patterns in domestic workers' experiences that will
be helpful in understanding the situation of workers elsewhere and offers
possible solutions for promoting and ensuring workers' rights that have
relevance far beyond Ecuador.
Para mayor información o para comprar el libro (también hay una versión
Erynn Masi de Casanova, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
Director, Kunz Center for Social Research
University of Cincinnati
1015 Crosley Tower
P.O. Box 210378
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0378
513.556.4707 telephone
513.556.0057 fax
erynn.casanova at uc.edu
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