[Lasa] María Paula Romo at the University of Pennsylvania
Tamara Trownsell
ttrownsell en gmail.com
Sab Nov 20 04:09:19 PST 2021
Please add my name to the list. I would be happy to speak about how her
policies transformed my barrio and left it ever more insecure and how my
students/colleagues were shaken psychologically from the measures.
On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 11:44 AM Julie Gamble <jcgamble en gmail.com> wrote:
> ***Please excuse cross-listing or reposting***
> November 19, 2021
> Dear Ecuadorian LASA list members,
> We hope this email finds you well during these times that continue to
> present uncertain realities. We write to you today out of dismay about
> recent events occurring at the University of Pennsylvania. We recently
> learned that Penn’s Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies (CLALS)
> has appointed Ms. María Paula Romo as a Visiting Scholar for this 2021 Fall
> semester. As you can imagine, the news of this designation comes with shock
> and disappointment.
> We write to request your support by signing an op-ed that we have
> co-authored and plan to send to Penn’s student newspaper, The Daily
> Pennsylvanian. Please review this op-ed
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yyFSL9-kZBv1keAWKAX8hbRPpXakJNiA7yJr20gMOiM/edit?usp=sharing>we
> wrote about Ms. Romo’s appointment and Penn’s role in legitimating Ms.
> Romo’s perspective, since part of what Penn seems to be avoiding is
> English-language information about the appointment.
> As alumni of this institution, we have been in contact with CLALS Director
> Professor Tulia Faletti to gain insight into the decision-making around the
> appointment. We also corresponded with Prof. Faletti by presenting evidence
> that discusses Ms. Romo’s responsibilities as Minister of Government when
> she ordered the repression of those protesting President Lenín Moreno’s
> austerity measures. Ultimately, Professor Falleti informed us that she
> plans to uphold Ms. Romo’s appointment. Yet, despite corresponding with us,
> Prof. Faletti is simultaneously masking Ms. Romo’s status through having
> pulled down Ms. Romo’s Visiting Scholar page from CLALS’s website, refusing
> to respond to a change.org
> <https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.change.org%2Fp%2Fpennlaw-rechazo-a-la-asignaci%25C3%25B3n-de-mar%25C3%25ADa-paula-romo-como-profesora-en-la-universidad-de-pensilvania&data=04%7C01%7Cjulie.gamble%40trincoll.edu%7C555a70d35f314c26e35508d99c86da58%7Ca6cda06a52d94672ae1ff6f9c9f14e37%7C0%7C0%7C637712925278055734%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=CXvTiMSsLZKAkXXEYtLSKcY2RljJbkC6hOfvr8Oyc%2Bw%3D&reserved=0>
> petition with more than 10,000 signers, and ignoring the active Twitter
> campaign against this appointment that has largely happened from Ecuador.
> The whole situation feels ambiguous and disingenuous.
> We write the listserv to see if others would be interested in signing
> before we send the petition to *The Daily Pennsylvanian*, the University
> of Pennsylvania’s student newspaper. We hope you are able to sign on. Also,
> please feel free to circulate this letter to other Ecuadorianist scholars
> that would potentially sign-on. If you need more information about our
> previous correspondences with the University, we’re happy to provide it.
> After reviewing the letter
> <https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1yyFSL9-kZBv1keAWKAX8hbRPpXakJNiA7yJr20gMOiM/edit>,
> if you wish to sign on and support the letter, please email us back at
> Julie Gamble (julie.gamble en trincoll.edu) and Nicholas Limerick (
> nl2539 en tc.columbia.edu)
> Thanks very much,
> Julie Gamble, Ph.D. & Nicholas Limerick, Ph.D.
> Julie Gamble, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor of Urban Studies
> Urban Studies Program
> Trinity College
> julie.gamble en trincoll.edu
> Pronouns: she/her
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