[Lasa] Fw: CFP LASA 2023 - LGBTI Migrants: Intersecting Vulnerabilities and Political Struggles from Origin to Destination
Maria Mercedes Eguiguren Jimenez
meguiguren en asig.com.ec
Mar Ago 30 17:16:24 PDT 2022
Estimados/as colegas de la sección,
Me han solicitado compartir con ustedes esta convocatoria a ponencias para el congreso. Los correos electrónicos de los organizadores están más abajo, así como en el documento adjunto.
Saludos cordiales,
Call For Papers: LASA 2023 Annual Congress
LGBTI Migrants: Intersecting Vulnerabilities and Political Struggles from Origin to Destination
The goal of this panel is to deepen understandings of the intersecting forms of vulnerability, violence, and discrimination affecting LGBTI migrants from Latin America and the Caribbean in their countries of origin, transit, and destination. We also seek to explore how the interplay of emergent and entrenched anti-LGBTI and anti-immigrant policies, proposals and narratives shape their experiences as well as the emergence of novel forms of activism on behalf of LGBTI migrants. What sorts of lived experiences of social inequality, exclusion, and violence drive and condition LGBTI migration across the region? How are LGBTI migrants particularly affected by restrictive immigration and border policies and new barriers to asylum? How are LGBTI migrants received in the local communities and countries that they transit and settle in? What kinds of strategic interventions and alliances are being formed among community-based organizations and activists to support LGBTI and migrants’ rights and to challenge the kinds of deeply inscribed narratives, beliefs, and policies that structure inequalities and discrimination?
We invite colleagues from any disciplinary or geographic specialization who wish to focus on these and related questions to join the panel. Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words describing the scope of your paper along with a brief author bio as soon as possible, and no later than September 5th. Please include your institutional affiliation, email, and phone. Abstracts should be emailed to:
Joseph Wiltberger, jwiltberger en ucsd.edu<mailto:jwiltberger en ucsd.edu>
Laura Gómez Mera, lgmera en miami.edu<mailto:lgmera en miami.edu>
[http://www4.usfq.edu.ec/owa/logo_usfq.png] Maria Mercedes Eguiguren Jimenez, PhD
Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
T: (+593) 2 297-1700 ext.
Correo: meguiguren en asig.com.ec
Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica, Quito, Ecuador
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