[Lasa] Fwd: Seeking experts - LASA Ecuadorian Studies section
Ximena Sosa C
ximenasosac en gmail.com
Jue Mar 9 13:13:25 PST 2023
Buenas tardes
Nos ha llegado esta información. Por favor contactarse directamente
con Julie Bourdoiseau a cgrs-expertdb en uchastings.edu en caso de estar
Saludos cordiales,
Ximena Sosa
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: CGRS - Expert Database <cgrs-expertdb en uchastings.edu>
Date: Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 2:06 PM
Subject: Seeking experts - LASA Ecuadorian Studies section
To: mer.eguiguren en gmail.com <mer.eguiguren en gmail.com>
Cc: ximenasosac en gmail.com <ximenasosac en gmail.com>
Dear María Mercedes and Ximena,
My name is Julie Bourdoiseau; I am a Human Rights lawyer at the Center for
Gender and Refugee Studies (CGRS) and a LASA member.
CGRS is looking for country conditions experts to support asylum cases and
respond to the growing demand for support. Scholars, journalists, and
researchers can be experts in immigration courts.
We are especially looking for regional experts to make sure their
perspectives are heard in immigration courts.
Could you kindly forward the emails below (Spanish and English) to the LASA
Ecuadorian Studies Section and your colleagues?
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or
Thank you very much in advance for your support.
LASA Member # 71792.
*[English below] *
Estimados y estimadas colegas,
Les escribimos en busca de referencias para testigos peritos o peritas
calificados/as para la Base de Datos de Peritos del Centro de Estudios
Sobre Refugios y Genero (CGRS). Nos complace compartir que las clínicas u
otras organizaciones que brindan evaluaciones forenses médicas o de salud
mental ahora también pueden inscribirse para su inclusión.
*Las personas u organizaciones interesadas pueden presentar una solicitud
para su consideración* *en la base de datos aquí*
*Peritas o peritos en condiciones del país: *La definición de "testigo
perito o perita" en la corte de inmigración es amplia: académicos,
periodistas, miembros de organizaciones de la sociedad civil, especialistas
legales o analistas políticos, y otras personas con conocimiento
especializado en condiciones particulares del país o problemas que afectan
a los solicitantes de asilo (es decir, violencia de género, pandillas,
religión, opinión política, etc.) podrían calificar.
*Peritas o peritos médicos o de salud mental: *Los proveedores médicos o de
salud mental con licencia pueden apoyar a los solicitantes de asilo con
evaluaciones forenses de salud mental o físicas.
*¡Por favor, comparta en sus redes!*
Si tiene alguna recomendación específica para personas u organizaciones
calificadas, por favor, envíenos la información de contacto a
cgrs-expertdb en uchastings.edu y estaremos encantados de comunicarnos
*La Base de Datos de Testigos Expertos de CGRS ofrece a los defensores y
defensoras un repositorio de búsqueda de especialistas calificados del país
y profesionales de la salud que sirven como testigos expertos para apoyar a
los solicitantes de asilo en los Estados Unidos. Está disponible de forma
gratuita para todos los defensores dedicados a promover los derechos de los
inmigrantes y solicitantes de asilo. **Por favor, considere unirse a la
Base de Datos de Expertos de CGRS*
Con gratitud,
El equipo de la base de datos de expertos de CGRS
Dear Colleague,
We are writing seeking referrals for qualified expert witnesses for CGRS’s
Expert Database. We are pleased to share that clinics or other
organizations that provide mental health or medical forensic evaluations
can now also sign up for inclusion.
*Interested individuals or organizations can submit an application for
consideration* here
*Country Conditions Experts: *The definition of an “expert witness” in
immigration court is broad: scholars, journalists, members of civil society
organizations, legal specialists or political analysts, and other
individuals with specialized knowledge on particular country conditions or
issues impacting asylum seekers (i.e., gender-based violence, gang,
religion, political opinion, etc.) could potentially qualify.
*Medical or Mental Health Experts: *Licensed medical or mental health
providers can support asylum seekers with forensic mental health or
physical evaluations.
*Please share with your networks!*
If you have any specific recommendations for qualified individuals or
organizations, please send us the contact information at
cgrs-expertdb en uchastings.edu and we would be happy to reach out directly.
*CGRS’s Expert Witness Database offers advocates a searchable repository of
qualified country specialists and health professionals who serve as expert
witnesses to support asylum seekers in the United States. It is available
free of charge to all advocates dedicated to promoting the rights of
immigrants and asylum seekers. **Please consider joining CGRS’s Expert
With gratitude,
The CGRS Expert Database Team
*Julie Bourdoiseau | Staff Attorney | Abascal Fellow*
Pronouns: she/her
*Center for Gender & Refugee Studies* <https://cgrs.uchastings.edu/>
bourdoiseaujulie en uchastings.edu | (415) 581-8818
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*Click Here*
to Take the #WelcomeWithDignity Pledge!*
*Donate now*
<https://cgrs.networkforgood.com/projects/79159-cgrs-donation-now> *to
defend the rights of refugees*
*Request Assistance*
*or **Report an Outcome*
<http://cgrs.uchastings.edu/request-assistance/report-outcome-your-case> *in
Your Asylum Case*
*Provide Feedback*
<https://uchastings.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b14HVB65YncmY62>* on Our
TA Program*
*The information contained in this e-mail may be confidential and legally
privileged and is for the use of the intended recipient only. If you are
not the intended recipient or an authorized employee or agent thereof, or
if this message has been addressed to you in error, any review, use,
dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of this communication or its
contents (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender
by telephone or reply e-mail and permanently delete it and any attachments
and copies from your system and files.*
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