[Lasa] Fwd: History of the Ecuadorian Año viejo

Marc Becker marc en yachana.org
Mie Nov 13 14:39:01 PST 2024


Can anyone help Xavier (see message below) with the history of the año 
viejo, or have a suggestion for who he can talk to? Please respond 
directly to Xavier at XLopez en npr.org.

thx. marc.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	History of the Ecuadorian Año viejo
Date: 	Wed, 13 Nov 2024 21:15:27 +0000
From: 	Xavier Lopez <XLopez en npr.org>
To: 	marc en yachana.org <marc en yachana.org>

Hello Marc,

My name is Xavier Lopez, I am a producer at NPR working on their race 
and identity show and podcast, Code Switch. I’m reaching out because I’m 
currently working on an upcoming episode for new years about the 
Ecuadorian Año Viejo and I’m reaching out to people to see if there’s 
been much written about this holiday and where it originated from.

I came across your site while looking into Ecuadorian scholars, there 
aren’t many of y’all! So I wondered if this was a topic that ever came 
up in your research? Or if you know someone I could potentially reach 
out to about this? Please let me know, any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your time,


8E13FA01Xavier Lopez | he/him | Producer, Code Switch 
<https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/> |*C* 347.701.5504

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