[Lasa] Elecciones/Elections
Casanova, Erynn (casanoen)
casanoen at ucmail.uc.edu
Thu Jun 22 12:42:37 PDT 2017
[English version follows]
Hola Ecuatorianistas,
Es hora de votar en las elecciones de la sección para llenar 2 vacantes en nuestro consejo ejecutivo.
Usen este enlace para realizar tu votación:
Tienes hasta el 29 de junio para votar, y toma sólo 2 minutos.
Gracias de antemano por tu participación.
Hello Ecuadorianists:
It is time to vote in the section election to fill 2 open seats for representatives on our executive council.
Use this link to cast your vote:
You have until June 29th to vote, and it only takes a couple minutes.
Thank you in advance for participating.
Erynn Masi de Casanova, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Sociology
University of Cincinnati
President, Ecuadorian Studies Section, Latin American Studies Association
1015 Crosley Tower
P.O. Box 210378
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0378
513.556.4707 telephone
513.556.0057 fax
erynn.casanova at uc.edu<mailto:erynn.casanova at uc.edu>
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