[Lasa] Fwd: FW: Scholars' letter on California TFS
Juli Hazlewood
jahaze at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 13:04:14 PST 2018
An important initiative to both sign and circulate.
Apologies for any cross postings.
All the best,
Juli Hazlewood------------------------------------------------------------
Julianne A. Hazlewood, Ph.D. in Geography
Instructor at University of California, Santa Cruz
Environmental Studies Department and Rachel Carson College
*"Que tus sueños sean más grande que tus miedos"[May your dreams be bigger
than your fears]- Acción Poética*
On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 9:06 AM Osborne, Tracey N - (tosborne) <
tosborne at email.arizona.edu> wrote:
> Here you go Juli! Thanks for your signature.
> Tracey
> *From: *"Osborne, Tracey N - (tosborne)" <tosborne at email.arizona.edu>
> *Date: *Saturday, November 10, 2018 at 12:29 AM
> *To: *Karin Bäckstrand <karin.backstrand at statsvet.su.se>, "
> eva.lovbrand at liu.se" <eva.lovbrand at liu.se>, "katrina.brown at exeter.ac.uk" <
> katrina.brown at exeter.ac.uk>, "m.leach at ids.ac.uk" <m.leach at ids.ac.uk>, "
> J.R.Fairhead at sussex.ac.uk" <J.R.Fairhead at sussex.ac.uk>, "Forsyth,TJ" <
> T.J.Forsyth at LSE.AC.UK>, Rebecca Lave <rlave at INDIANA.EDU>, Adam Geoffrey
> Bumpus <abumpus at unimelb.edu.au>, "nela at ukzn.ac.za" <nela at ukzn.ac.za>, "
> r.muradian at maw.ru.nl" <r.muradian at maw.ru.nl>, "nicolas.kosoy at mcgill.ca" <
> nicolas.kosoy at mcgill.ca>
> *Cc: *Kathleen McAfee <kmcafee at sfsu.edu>, Barbara Haya <bhaya at berkeley.edu
> >
> *Subject: *FW: Scholars' letter on California TFS
> Dear Colleagues and Friends,
> I am writing to you because of your expertise broadly on the
> commodification of nature, and specifically on forest based carbon offsets
> and implications for local communities. Next week California Air Resources
> Board will consider entering tropical forests into California’s carbon
> market and has requested public statements. A few of us with expertise on
> carbon markets, forests and local communities have drafted a letter that
> now has over 70 academic signatures. Please read the email below and
> consider signing onto the letter if you agree. Also, please do forward to
> other scholars who might be interested. It would be incredibly powerful to
> reach 100 academic signatures by Sunday November 11th. Thank you for your
> consideration.
> All the best,
> Tracey
> Tracey Osborne, PhD
> Visiting Scholar, Santa Cruz Institute for Social Transformation,
> Department of Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz
> Associate Professor, School of Geography and Development, University of
> Arizona
> http://geography.arizona.edu/tosborne
> Director, Public Political Ecology Lab <http://ppel.arizona.edu/>
> Director, Climate Alliance Mapping Project
> <https://climatealliancemap.org/>
> Dear friends and fellow scholars,
> A few of us have drafted an open letter to the California Air Resources
> Board that we hope you consider signing. We’ve had a great initial response
> and hope to get many signatures by *Nov. 11* and present the document at
> a pubic ARB session on Nov. 15-16. Here's the story:
> The ARB may soon approve yet another way for the state’s biggest
> greenhouse-gas emitters to buy their way out of their legal obligations by
> purchasing dubious offsets, this time in the global South. ARB’s proposed
> new Tropical Forest Standard would link California’s cap-and-trade program
> to subnational states in the forested tropics. This is a bad idea for
> reasons we have tried to summarize in the letter. It would set a terrible
> international precedent as California officials continue to promote the
> state’s climate policy as a model for the world.
> Until now the ARB has mainly taken its cues from environmental economists,
> its own technical staff, big green NGOs, carefully vetted officials and
> indigenous spokespeople from Brazil and Mexico, and consultants with
> personal and career interests in carbon trading and forest conservation
> financed by offsets. The ARB board and staff seem unaware of the actual
> record and problems of REDD+ PES, and when told about this, respond that
> their proposed “jurisdictional REDD” would surmount such problems. Our
> letter voices widespread concerns about forest carbon offset programs
> shared by so many geographers and other researchers who are closer to
> understanding how these projects are working on the ground.
> We three authors are approaching this from different perspectives but we
> think the case against this TFS initiative is very strong. We are not
> condemning REDD+, etc., nor offsets in general in the letter. We are
> stressing the ways that the TFS could implicate the state in harmful
> practices, would fail to achieve any net environmental gain, and fails to
> meet California’s legislated requirements.
> Please sign if you agree, and circulate the letter to other scholars with
> academic credentials who have worked on REDD/PES, carbon
> trading/offsetting, tropical forests/conservation/development, etc. We will
> be adding more citations: suggestions appreciated.
> ** You can add your name to the letter at this link:
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIUh1PGTF-rdZXynXXARsiWH0m1aYsoZt31o4W2iqYfvXrMQ/viewform
> Here
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pbwBoZDg26BaWgP28jcuCC316CSTFDq1/view?usp=sharing>
> is a link to the letter (it’s also attached).
> And here
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1plIObM7Ig3plgHYdlciQjPpLjGEEWYmA/view?usp=sharing> is
> information about the Tropical Forest Standard and how to submit individual
> letters to the ARB. Do let us know if you have questions or comments.
> Sincerely,
> Kathleen McAfee
> kmcafee at sfsu.edu
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