[Lasa] Fwd: Can you circulate through LASA ecuador list serve, please?
Ramos, Juan G.
jramos at holycross.edu
Sat Nov 24 09:53:57 PST 2018
Estimados colegas,
Les adjunto este correo de Manuela Picq y una carta abierta dirigida al
gobierno de Lenín Moreno. Hay un enlace al google doc, si desean firmar.
Reciban un cordial saludo,
Juan Ramos
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Manuela Picq <mpicq at amherst.edu>
Date: Sat, Nov 24, 2018, 18:46
Subject: Can you circulate through LASA ecuador list serve, please?
To: Juan G. Ramos <jramos at holycross.edu>
Dear friends and colleagues,
As the government of Ecuador discusses an Executive Decree to expand the
frontiers of oil extraction into the Ishpingo camp, a protected area of the
Yasuní National Park, we believe it is important that the scientific and
academic communities express their views on the irreversible destruction
that is at stake. We have drafted an open letter to president Moreno that
follows the footsteps of the 2004 statement in which the scientist
community expressed its concern over an oil road into the Yasuní Reserve.
We invite members of the scientific and academic communities who defend the
Yasuní to sign this letter- please add your name, title and institutional
affiliation at the bottom of the letter by next Thursday Nov. 29 (or send
an email titled “Yasuni” with your name/title/affiliation to
mpicq at amherst.edu):
Feel free to share this letter among your networks to gather support. We
hope to present this letter next week as Congress discusses the protection
of Yasuní.
All best,
Manuela Picq & Gonzalo Rivas-Torres
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