[Lasa] María Paula Romo at the University of Pennsylvania
Susan Poats
svpoats en gmail.com
Dom Nov 21 16:19:24 PST 2021
Hi Julie,
Thanks for the initiative.
Please add my name to the list.
Susan V. Poats, Ph.D.
Anthropologist, Quito, Ecuador
> On Nov 19, 2021, at 3:16 PM, Julie Gamble <jcgamble en gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Listmembers,
> We have now updated the letter so that you may sign directly here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yyFSL9-kZBv1keAWKAX8hbRPpXakJNiA7yJr20gMOiM/edit?usp=sharing> or please email us back directly. If you have already replied we have added your name, but please feel free to double check. Thanks for the solidarity.
> Best,
> Julie and Nicholas
> On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 11:44 AM Julie Gamble <jcgamble en gmail.com <mailto:jcgamble en gmail.com>> wrote:
> ***Please excuse cross-listing or reposting***
> November 19, 2021
> Dear Ecuadorian LASA list members,
> We hope this email finds you well during these times that continue to present uncertain realities. We write to you today out of dismay about recent events occurring at the University of Pennsylvania. We recently learned that Penn’s Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies (CLALS) has appointed Ms. María Paula Romo as a Visiting Scholar for this 2021 Fall semester. As you can imagine, the news of this designation comes with shock and disappointment.
> We write to request your support by signing an op-ed that we have co-authored and plan to send to Penn’s student newspaper, The Daily Pennsylvanian. Please review this op-ed <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yyFSL9-kZBv1keAWKAX8hbRPpXakJNiA7yJr20gMOiM/edit?usp=sharing>we wrote about Ms. Romo’s appointment and Penn’s role in legitimating Ms. Romo’s perspective, since part of what Penn seems to be avoiding is English-language information about the appointment.
> As alumni of this institution, we have been in contact with CLALS Director Professor Tulia Faletti to gain insight into the decision-making around the appointment. We also corresponded with Prof. Faletti by presenting evidence that discusses Ms. Romo’s responsibilities as Minister of Government when she ordered the repression of those protesting President Lenín Moreno’s austerity measures. Ultimately, Professor Falleti informed us that she plans to uphold Ms. Romo’s appointment. Yet, despite corresponding with us, Prof. Faletti is simultaneously masking Ms. Romo’s status through having pulled down Ms. Romo’s Visiting Scholar page from CLALS’s website, refusing to respond to a change.org <https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.change.org%2Fp%2Fpennlaw-rechazo-a-la-asignaci%25C3%25B3n-de-mar%25C3%25ADa-paula-romo-como-profesora-en-la-universidad-de-pensilvania&data=04%7C01%7Cjulie.gamble%40trincoll.edu%7C555a70d35f314c26e35508d99c86da58%7Ca6cda06a52d94672ae1ff6f9c9f14e37%7C0%7C0%7C637712925278055734%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=CXvTiMSsLZKAkXXEYtLSKcY2RljJbkC6hOfvr8Oyc%2Bw%3D&reserved=0> petition with more than 10,000 signers, and ignoring the active Twitter campaign against this appointment that has largely happened from Ecuador. The whole situation feels ambiguous and disingenuous.
> We write the listserv to see if others would be interested in signing before we send the petition to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the University of Pennsylvania’s student newspaper. We hope you are able to sign on. Also, please feel free to circulate this letter to other Ecuadorianist scholars that would potentially sign-on. If you need more information about our previous correspondences with the University, we’re happy to provide it. After reviewing the letter <https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1yyFSL9-kZBv1keAWKAX8hbRPpXakJNiA7yJr20gMOiM/edit>, if you wish to sign on and support the letter, please email us back at Julie Gamble (julie.gamble en trincoll.edu <mailto:julie.gamble en trincoll.edu>) and Nicholas Limerick (nl2539 en tc.columbia.edu <mailto:nl2539 en tc.columbia.edu>)
> Thanks very much,
> Julie Gamble, Ph.D. & Nicholas Limerick, Ph.D.
> Julie Gamble, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor of Urban Studies
> Urban Studies Program
> Trinity College
> julie.gamble en trincoll.edu <mailto:julie.gamble en trincoll.edu>
> Pronouns: she/her
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