[Lasa] Please Share: Join the Youth Visionary Collective! Fall 🍁 Remote Internship with Roots & Routes IC
Juli Hazlewood Williams
jahaze at gmail.com
Vie Oct 1 12:40:37 PDT 2021
Dear Ecuatorianistas,
I hope that you are doing well. I wanted to ask you if you would please
circulate this call for a 10-week internship with Roots & Routes IC to your
students and colleagues? Please see below.
Juli Hazlewood
[image: english_Roots - Routes_transparent-01.jpeg]
Hi! My name is Juli Hazlewood. I am the Co-Founder & Executive Director of
Roots & Routes IC.
Here is a call to welcome students to apply to Roots & Routes IC's Fall🍁Season
of our remote internship program, an opportunity that lasts 10-weeks and
begins on October 10th, 2021. The interns have a chance to join an
international team and network that they call the Youth Visionary
Collective (YVC). We welcome youth from all countries. The minimum
commitment is six hours/week. Currently, we have seven YVC teams who meet
together in English and one in Spanish. You can learn more about what we
collectively did together during the summer here in R&R's quarterly
newsletter called Seasonal Offerings
At Roots & Routes IC, we are bridge builders between Indigenous and
Ancestral communities and elders, activists, researchers, and youth.
Connecting people through education, action, and re-storying the relations
between us, our role is facilitating compassion and sharing knowledge among
diverse cultures *en* route to responsibly stewarding a flourishing Living
World. You can read more in the attached flyer and by clicking on this link
to our posting on Indeed
where you can also apply to become an R&R YVC intern!
Juli Hazlewood
*Julianne A. Hazlewood Williams, Ph.D. in Geography*
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Roots & Routes Intercultural Collaborations <http://rootsroutes.org/>
Teaching Faculty, University of California, Santa Cruz
Environmental Studies Department and Rachel Carson College
*"Que tus sueños sean más grandes que tus miedos"*
*[May your dreams be bigger than your fears]- Acción Poética*
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