[Lasa] Traslations from English to Spanish
Ximena Sosa C
ximenasosac at gmail.com
Jue Ene 13 08:00:34 PST 2022
Dear colleagues,
I would like to offer my services as a translator from English to Spanish.
I work closely with authors so the final product of the translation is
accurate and reflects the authors’ intentions. I earned my Ph.D. as a
Fulbright scholar in History with a concentration in Latin America. I have
published in English and Spanish.
I have already translated historian Erin O’Connor’s book: *Gender, Indian,
Nation: The Contradictions of making Ecuador,1830-1925* into Spanish. It
has been published by Abya-Yala in 2016. I am finishing the translation of
Christa Olson’s book: *Constitutive Visions: Indigeneity and Common Places
of National Identity in Republican Ecuador* into Spanish.
If anyone is interested in translations from English to Spanish, please
contact me at ximenasosac at gmail.com
Best regards,
Ximena Sosa
-Author of Hombres y mujeres velasquistas 1934-1972, colección ATRIO,
Quito: FLACSO/Ecuador-Abya Yala, 2020.
-Former President LASA Ecuadorian Studies Section, 2002-2006
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